
Ihavetwo4tbharddriveinmyNAS.Ican'tfindwhatarefillingthemup.Whenilookatwhatihave,there'sarround1.5tbofdataonthem, ...,IhaveaNASsetupforacustomerthathasfairlysimpleusage,1datashareand1backupshare.Igotthemessagethatthediskspacewasrunningout.,IammissingTBofstorageonmysystemandIamtryingtounderstandwhy.Ihave5x4TBHDDinaDS1513+IhavemovedthedataoffontoexternalHDD.,Itriedtodownloadatorrenttoa3TBdisk,whi...

Missing space on my NAS

I have two 4tb hard drive in my NAS. I can't find what are filling them up. When i look at what i have, there's arround 1.5tb of data on them, ...

Used storage space incorrect

I have a NAS setup for a customer that has fairly simple usage, 1 data share and 1 backup share. I got the message that the diskspace was running out.

Missing Storage Space

I am missing TB of storage on my system and I am trying to understand why. I have 5x4TB HDD in a DS1513+ I have moved the data off onto external HDD.

Missing free space (yet another question)

I tried to download a torrent to a 3 TB disk, which has 600 GBs of free space. But I get an error saying, that No free space is available on selected volume.

The storage space in Synology Drive Server is nearly full. What can I ...

Reduce the number of versioning or disable version control · Clean up the recycle bin · Delete or disable infrequently accessed files or folders.

I deleted files, but it does not free up the storage space. What can I do?

Resolution · Check the Recycle Bins of shared folders · Restart Synology NAS · Check what is taking up the most storage space.

Synology- Where has all my drive space gone?

You can – 1. Wait a while for the operating system to catch up 2. Delete the share if there's nothing left in it 3. Or you can kick off a Disk Scrubbing ...

Just expanded storage pool but missing free space

Hello everyone. I am using SHR to manage two 8TB and two 4TB drives. A couple days ago I replaced one of the 4TB drives with an 8TB.

How to fix mysterious Others space on Synology Nas and ...

To clear almost all that space, I needed to uninstall Synology Drive Server (and then you can reinstall it). Plus I did a file system defragmentation.

Missing HD Storage

Doing this will enable you to keep using Synology Drive, just dial down the versions and use Hyper Backup to make off-NAS backups.